Thomas The Tank Engine

Lot of wooden thomas thomas the Train, track, trains, bridges

Lot of wooden thomas thomas the Train, track, trains, bridges
Lot of wooden thomas thomas the Train, track, trains, bridges
Lot of wooden thomas thomas the Train, track, trains, bridges
Lot of wooden thomas thomas the Train, track, trains, bridges
Lot of wooden thomas thomas the Train, track, trains, bridges

Lot of wooden thomas thomas the Train, track, trains, bridges

This lot includes a variety of wooden pieces from the popular Thomas & Friends franchise. The set features Thomas the Tank Engine, along with his tracks, trains, and bridges.

The toys are made from high-quality wood material, ensuring durability and long-lasting playtime. With vintage appeal, this lot is perfect for collectors or children who love Thomas & Friends. The set includes action figures from Learning Curve brand, making them perfect for imaginative play.
Lot of wooden thomas thomas the Train, track, trains, bridges